Early intervention and treatment for social anxiety disorder in adolescents

This study will focus on early intervention and treatment for fear of public speaking in adolescents. The aim is to treat adolescents at an early onset and give this young group of people an adequate treatment before they develop social anxiety disorder.
We will demonstrate how innovative technology can be used within the project and in future development of treatments. The study will use Virtual Reality (VR) as a treatment method, and will be a part of the INTROMAT-project. By using virtual reality, adolescents can expose themselves to social stimuli with low risk in a safe, virtual environment. The specific VR-situation developed will be speaking in front of a class, with possibilities to vary the reactions of the listeners as well as getting feedback on own performance. A pilot phase with case series to examine the VR situation’s ability to elicit anxiety reactions will be followed by a randomized controlled trial to examine the effect of the VR intervention.
Domain experts
Asle Hoffart
Team role
Tine Nordgreen
Team role
Domain expert for job-focused treatment for depression in adults and early intervention and treatment for social anxiety disorder in adolescents.
WP Leader for clinical testing, management and dissemination – WP 4
Since PhD-graduation in November 2011 Nordgreen have been actively involved in scientific publications, grant applications, supervision of students on a master and PhD level and held presentations on national and international conferences in the field of internet-based treatment. Nordgreen is leading a 1-year continued education program in self-help and internet-based treatment and introduced Internet-based treatment in the training of psychologists at the University of Bergen. She has since 2012, as the principle investigator, received funding from different sources (scientific programs, health authorities and innovation programs) of 1.8 million Euro. In addition, a cross-disciplinary team led by Nordgreen received funding from the Norwegian Research Council for a 5 year project of 5.3 million Euro, the total budget for the project is 8.18 million Euro. The common goals of the grant applications and projects have been to develop innovative ways of delivering evidence-based Internet-based treatment. The results from her research have been implemented in routine care in western and eastern Norway in primary and secondary care services (). The research projects have been developed in close cooperation with significant national and international research groups. The projects she has chaired have received national and regional awards for innovative use of ICT within the health-setting. Nordgreen was a visiting scholar with Associate professor Lee Ritterbands’ group at the Behavioral Health and Technology, Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, University of Virginia. Nordgreen is an elected member of the eHealth Task Force of the European Federation of Psychological Associations. She led the organization of the Scientific conference for the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Bergen 2016.
Smiti Kahlon
Team Role
Smiti Kahlon is phd. Candidate on the social anxiety case. She has been working as a clinical psychologist since 2015. Smiti also has experience with guided self help therapy via internet for depression and anxiety using cognitive therapy as a treatment method.