Professor Frode Guribye is a Fulbright research scholar at University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) for the academic year 2019/2020 at the Department of Computational Media, with funding from the Research Council of Norway and the Meltzer Foundation. He is working at the Social and Emotional Technologies Lab (SET Lab, ) led by Professor Katherine Isbister and he is hosted by Distinguished Professor Steve Whittaker.
In February Professor Astri Lundervold and clinical psychologist Emilie Sektan Nordby from the project visited UCSC and we had a presentation of our work in the INTROMAT project at the SET lab. The meeting and following conversations spurred many new ideas and possibilities for further collaborations. After the seminar Astri and Emilie went on to visit UC Berkeley at Steve Hinshaw’s lab. Guribye joined them for a presentation at Hinshaw’s lab. The meeting was a follow up from a Peder Sæther grant between Lundervold and Hinshaw. Astri and Emilie’s visit was funded by the Peder Sæther grant and by the Meltzer foundation.
The discussions gave valuable feedback to the current plans in INTROMAT for providing adaptive internet-based self-help treatment modules for adults with ADHD.
Emilie has received a PhD Stipend from Helse Vest and will start her PhD in the summer of 2020 – this project is a spin-off from INTROMAT and will continue from the work she has contributed to as an advisor in INTROMAT, focusing on emotion regulation in adults and adolescents with ADHD.
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Nr 1:
Hva er effekten av ulike tiltak for å bedre sosiale ferdigheter, deltakelse, og andre relevante aspekter knyttet til mental helse for barn og ungdom med autismespektrumforstyrrelser?
Nr 2:
Hva er effekten av ikke-medikamentelle tiltak for barn og unge med ADHD?
Jeg tror dette kan være meget relevant for deres arbeid,
Ernst R. Gustavsen