INTROMAT inviterer til paneldebatt 6. desember kl. 15:15-16:00. Hvordan skal vi i Norge kunne gå fra frittstående helseapp’er til helhetlige digitale helsetjenester?I Norge satses det stort på digitale helsetjenester i […]
Suresh Kumar Mukhiya, PhD candidate in the INTROMAT project, is defending his dissertation for the PhD degree with the dissertation “A software framework for adaptive and interoperable internet-delivered psychological treatments”. […]
Eivind Flobak, PhD candidate in INTROMAT, received an honourable mention award from DIS 2021 for his paper “‘This is the story of me’: Designing audiovisual narratives to support reflection on […]
We invite you to join us digitally on December 14th for the opening seminar for ForHelse, our new Centre for Research Based Innovation. Please visit ForHelse to learn more about […]
PhD-candidate Petter Jakobsen at INTROMAT is featured in an article at about the reserach they are doing on Bipolar patients. The article is in Norwegian and behind a paywall. […] is featuring INTROMAT in an article about using digital interventions to treat anxiety and depression. Read the article HERE (the article is in Norwegian) The article features our project […]
Center for Mobile Mental Health, a new project from INTROMAT’s project manager Tine Nordgreen, have received funding from the Research Council of Norway to start at Center for Research-Based Innovation. […]