INTROMAT inviterer til paneldebatt 6. desember kl. 15:15-16:00. Hvordan skal vi i Norge kunne gå fra frittstående helseapp’er til helhetlige digitale helsetjenester?I Norge satses det stort på digitale helsetjenester i […]
Suresh Kumar Mukhiya, PhD candidate in the INTROMAT project, is defending his dissertation for the PhD degree with the dissertation “A software framework for adaptive and interoperable internet-delivered psychological treatments”. […]
Eivind Flobak, PhD candidate in INTROMAT, received an honourable mention award from DIS 2021 for his paper “‘This is the story of me’: Designing audiovisual narratives to support reflection on […]
Several project members from INTROMAT are travelling to Dublin for the 5th conference of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ESRII) held at Trinity College on April 19th and 20th. […]
NRK Hordaland interviewed Tine Nordgreen and Smiti Kahlon about using a VR classroom scenario for adolescents with social anxiety. Read the article and hear the interview by clicking on the […]
Four of the experts in the scientific advisory council came to Bergen over two days, the 7th and 8th of February, to council the project and our PhD candidates and Post Doc […]
“Norwegian app seeks to prevent depression“, Intromat’s plans for an app for bipolar disorder is mentioned in Aftenposten this week in the article “Slik overvåker maskiner følelsene dine” by Tore […]